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Nick Pateras | About Nick

Just a speck in the cosmos, taking a look around.

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I currently live in London, my birthplace, although I was raised in Athens and spent more than half my life in Canada, to which I emigrated on the brink of my teenage years. Resultantly, I sometimes feel like a misplaced mongrel with a collaged identity that I still haven't crystallized for myself.

A victim of boundless curiosity, my interests span many fields including global affairs, business, theology and football (soccer to some). Although I'm generally quite encouraging of my mind's wanderings, there are times it might do with a tighter leash.

My semi-nomadic upbringing has engendered a love for languages and travel, which has found me in such places as North Korea and Iran, as well as hiking the Inca Trail in Peru. I can hold a decent argument in Greek, and stumble through one in French.

I earned a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. I started my career at a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company focusing on commercial strategy and after a few years joined a start-up in the medical cannabis industry, a sector Iā€™m proud to be helping shape to this day.